Seis Sigma es una “filosofía” (metodología) de la calidad exitosamente implementada en las mejores corporaciones alrededor del mundo. Esta se basa en el tratamiento estadístico de la información, centrada en el cliente y orientada a resultados, eliminando sistemáticamente los defectos presentes en los procesos.
Un proceso en seis sigma es aquel que produce estadísticamente procesos con 99.99966% de grado de confiabilidad lo que equivale a solamente 3.4 partes por millón de defectos (libre de defectos).
"Lo que hace diferente a Seis Sigma no son las herramientas, sino la forma enfocada en la que se aplican. Seis Sigma exige un uso inteligente de los datos, haciendo hincapié en el análisis estadístico y los experimentos diseñados" - Nancy R. Tague "the quality toolbox (p. 29)
Jerarquía de Certificación:
La jerarquia de certifiacion de seis sigma es la siguiente:
Cinturon negro Maestro |
Cinturon Negro |
Cinturon Verde |
Cinturon Amarillo |
Cinturon Blanco (SSWB) "nivel inicial" |
Seis Sigma Cinturon Blanco SSWB
El Cinturón Blanco Seis Sigma es un curso diseñado para proporcionar el nivel más básico de comprensión de la Metodología Six Sigma. Su propósito es proporcionarle una estructura básica de definición, historia y disciplina de esta metodologia. También proporciona una comprensión sólida de quién participa en la implementación real dentro de una organización.
Contenido Analítico
- Evolución del seis sigma
- ¿Qué es el seis sigma?
- Metas del seis sigma
- Aproximación al seis sigma
- ¿Por qué las organizaciones adoptan seis sigma?
- Interpretación matemática del seis sigma
- Roles en al organización con seis sigma
- Grupos de interés
- Metodología DMAMC
- 7 Herramientas básicas de calidad
- Tipos de data
- DFSS (Diseño para seis sigma)
- Acceso a nuestro campus virtual
- Acceso a "material digital" en la nube
- Acceso a contenido "interactivo"
- Pruebas basadas en la WEB
- Emisión de credenciales digitales
- Verificacion de Credencial Digital
- Nivel: Intermedio
- Carga horaria: 2 H.A.
- Tipo de acreditación: Certificación (3 años de validez)
- Costo: 15 USD (costo gratuito por inscripción en SSYB)
- Fecha: Abierta
Formato del Examen
- Respuestas cerradas
- 35 preguntas para el examen
- Una calificación obtenida por cada respuesta correcta
- No hay marcas negativas para las respuestas erróneas
- 60 minutos de duración máxima
- Examen en línea no supervisado
Seis Sigma Cinturon Amarillo SSYB
(la inscripción incluye el nivel SSWB)
El Cinturón Amarillo Certificado en Seis Sigma es un profesional que está bien versado en los elementos fundamentales de la Metodología Lean Six Sigma, que participa en proyectos de mejora como miembro del equipo liderados por un Cinturón Negro "Certificado", normalmente en un papel a tiempo parcial. Un Cinturón Amarillo posee una comprensión profunda de los aspectos elementales del Método Seis Sigma (DMAMC) según lo definido por el Body of Knowledge de Grupo Sigma. Un Cinturón Amarillo Seis Sigma entiende cómo implementar, interpretar y aplicar Seis Sigma en un contexto capacitado pero limitado de apoyo.
Contenido analítico
- Acceso a nuestro campus virtual
- Acceso a "material digital" en la nube
- Acceso a contenido "interactivo"
- Pruebas basadas en la WEB
- Emisión de credenciales digitales
- Verificacion de Credencial Digital
- Nivel: Intermedio
- Carga horaria: 40 H.A.
- Tipo de acreditación: Certificación (3 años de validez)
- Pre-requisito: Cinturon Blanco
- Modalidad de Examen: Supervisado (online)
Formato del Examen
- Respuestas cerradas
- 75 preguntas para el examen
- Una calificación obtenida por cada respuesta correcta
- No hay marcas negativas para las respuestas erróneas
- 100 minutos de duración máxima
- Examen en línea "supervisado"
Seis Sigma Cinturón Verde
Familia ISO 9000
La serie de Normas ISO 9000, conocidas como la familia ISO 9000 de “calidad” son un conjunto o serie de enunciados (normas), las cuales especifican los elementos que deben integrar el Sistema de la Calidad de una empresa y como deben funcionar en conjunto estos elementos para asegurar la calidad de los bienes y servicios que produce cualquier organización.
Algunas de las normas incluidas o contempladas en esta familia de normas son las siguientes
- ISO 9000 - ISO 9001 - ISO 9004 - ISO 10001 -ISO 10002 -ISO 10003 -
ISO 10004 - ISO 10005 - ISO 10006 - ISO 10007 - ISO 10008 - ISO 10012 y mas.....
Sistemas de Gestión de la calidad ISO 9000:2015 + 9001:2015
La Norma Internacional ISO 9000:2015 describe los conceptos y los principios fundamentales de la gestión de la calidad que son universalmente aplicables. Estos conceptos deben entenderse como parte de un todo y no así como fragmentos aislados. ESta norma es base para definir las definiciones establecidas en las subsiguientes normas de esta familia.
La Norma ISO 9001:2015 elaborada por la Organización Internacional para la Normalización (ISO), determina los requisitos para un Sistema de Gestión de la Calidad, que pueden utilizarse para su aplicación interna por las organizaciones, sin importar si el producto o servicio lo brinda una organización pública o empresa privadas, cualquiera que sea su tamaño, para su certificación o con fines contractuales y actuales.
¿Que esperas? destácate de los demás con nuestras certificaciones desarrolladas por "profesionales" para "profesionales"
Contenido Analítico
- Acceso a nuestro campus virtual
- Acceso a "material digital" en la nube
- Acceso a contenido "interactivo"
- Pruebas basadas en la WEB
- Emisión de credenciales digitales
- Verificacion de Credencial Digital
Formato del Examen
- Respuestas cerradas
- 73 preguntas para el examen
- Una calificación obtenida por cada respuesta correcta
- No hay marcas negativas para las respuestas erróneas
- 100 minutos de duración máxima
- Examen en línea "supervisado"
Herramientas de Gestión Q.T.
Este programa en particular pretende proporcionar al participante todas las herramientas mas utilizadas y de efectividad probada comúnmente utilizadas a todo nivel en una organización, ya que existen herramientas “gerenciales”, “operativas”, “de planificación”, de mejora”, “análisis de causa raíz”, en fin la lista es muy amplia…
Así también se contempla una lista de planillas pre elaboradas para “poner en practica” la teoría descrita en el desarrollo de esta capacitación.
Recuerde siempre tener en cuenta que para la efectividad de una herramienta es muy critico el uso adecuado de esta.
Contenido Analítico
- Ciclo PDCA
- Ciclo DMAIC
- BRAINSTORMING (lluvia de ideas)
- Técnica Nominal de Grupo
- Multivoto
- Matriz de decisión
- Matriz de priorización
- Matriz impacto – esfuerzo
- Matriz en L
- Matriz en T
- Matriz en Y
- Matriz en X
- Matriz en forma de techo
- Diagramas de Flujo
- Análisis de campo de fuerza
- Diagrama de Pareto
- Histograma
- Carta de Control
- Concentración de problemas
- Diagramas de afinidad
- Balanced Scorecard
- Diagrama de caja y bigotes
- Diagrama de Ishikawa
- Hoja de inspección
- Análisis de modo de falla y efecto
- Acceso a nuestro campus virtual
- Acceso a "material digital" en la nube
- Acceso a contenido "interactivo"
- Pruebas basadas en la WEB
- Emisión de credenciales digitales
- Verificacion de Credencial Digital
Hoja de Excel con mas de 17 herramientas descritas con instrucciones de uso y alimentación de datos y gráficos de resultados
Hoja de Visio con 4 herramientas prediseñadas para desarrollar en cada caso en particular
Nivel: Intermedio - Avanzado
Carga horaria: 12 H.A.
Tipo de acreditación: Certificado
Control y Aseguramiento de la Calidad
El presente programa es una clase que pretende desarrollar todos los conceptos y herramientas que actualmente han derivado en los sistemas de gestión de calidad como la familia ISO 9000, seis sigma y otros normativos internacionales relacionados con la Calidad. Pretende también reforzar el propósito de esta normativa que nos orienta con el "que hacer" y en este sentido se identifica el "como hacer" así de esta forma optimizar un sistema de "calidad " desde su concepción hasta su aplicación para desarrollar aptitud analítica del asistente y aplicarlo en cualquier área laboral.
Contenido Analítico
- Definiciones
- Evolución de la calidad
- Control de calidad
- Métodos/criterios de aplicación
- Herramientas de control de calidad
- Proceso de control de calidad
- Ciclo PDCA
- Planificación para el control de calidad
- Conformidad de proceso
- El manual de calidad
- Provisión para la auditoria
- Aseguramiento de la calidad
- Herramientas de aseguramiento de la calidad
- Acceso a nuestro campus virtual
- Acceso a "material digital" en la nube
- Acceso a contenido "interactivo"
- Pruebas basadas en la WEB
- Emisión de credenciales digitales
- Verificacion de Credencial Digital
Nivel: Intermedio
Carga horaria: 6 H.A.
Tipo de acreditación: Certificado
Quality Practitioner
CertiProf offers a wide range of essential professional certificates to individuals and companies. Our mission is to prepare professionals of the highest quality recognized internationally. With an international team specialized in the deployment of materials. Our institute is one of the leading suppliers that not only aspires to participate in the local market of the United States, but also to expand to other regions of Latin America. We empower people to increase their performance capabilities in order to achieve professional development based on the career.
NOTE: The discounted price is exclusive offer authorized by and for Grupo Sigma as a Certiprof partner.
Characteristics of all programs
Digital study material
Certification exam:
Multiple choice
Questions: 40
Languages: English / Spanish / Deutsch / Portugues (support in English or Spanish)
Acceptance percentage: 24/40 or 60%
Duration: 60 minutes
Open book: No
Format: Web-based exam
Supervision: Mandatory
Design Thinking Professional Certificate (DTPC)
Expand your skill set and grow your career. Here are some benefits of our certification:
- This certification will help you choose the right problem and frame it, in creative solutions.
- Learn to collect ideas from multiple disciplines in an unproven environment, which will provide a wider range of ideas.
- Become a Design Thinker with empathy, focused on the human being, collaborative, experimental and optimistic, qualities that will help you use assertive resources so that the selected idea is successful.
Learning objectives
- What is innovation?
- Digital age.
- Connections with Design Thinking.
- What is Design Thinking?
- Design Thinking presents the
- Design Thinking phases.
Innovation Management Certified Professional (IMCP)
Innovation Management Certified Professional (IMCP), provides a detailed understanding of key concepts and definitions to learn more about this methodology that helps promote business innovation in a successful way, understanding this discipline that aims to promote a process or culture of initiatives They focus on changes or disruptive steps that transform the business in a meaningful way.
Expand your skill set and grow your career. Here are some benefits of our certification:
This certification will help you differentiate yourself from the competition.
Learn to generate ideas of greater impact that make your business grow.
Become an innovation manager, developing multiple intelligences that allow you to perceive, experiment, question, collaborate and associate differently to develop innovative processes that achieve economic results and social acceptance.
Learning objectives
- Introduction to the world of innovation.
- Conceptual foundations of innovation.
- Types of innovation
- Themes vs. Problems vs. Projects.
- Design thinking and visual thinking.
- Phases of thought design.
- Innovation methodologies
- Management vs. Leadership
- Customer experience.
- Read Startup.
- Development of Lean Software.
- Agile and Scrum.
- Generation of business models.
Kanban Essentials Professional Certificate (KEPC)
Kanban is a technique used to give work instructions to customers through cards. These cards are manufactured according to the requirements of each client in order to control progress and to have a product or service of good quality.
Kanban Essentials helps in particular to coordinate the production of products and services. It also helps to adapt to different variations in the production of products and services to identify areas for improvement.
Become a Kanban Essentials professional! This course will take you through the history of Kanban, the 5 main properties, the lean principles, Scrum, waterfall vs agile and more.
Learning objectives
Lean Principles
Agile principles
Lean Thinking
Waterfall vs Agile
Kanban (development)
Bad reasons to choose Kanban
History of Kanban
Kanban The 5 main properties of Kanban
Theory of constraints
Mapping of value networks (Mapping of value flow)
Kanban - Implementation
Types of work items
Card walls
Drag and push
WIP limits (limit work in progress)
Tails and buffers
Cadences Bottlenecks
Issues and elements blocked
Metrics Overview
Follow-up Work tracking in process
Accumulated flow chart
Trends in the execution time
Trend performance
DevOps Essentials Professional Certificate (DEPC)
DevOps is more than a technology or a set of tools. It is a mentality that requires cultural evolution. It's about people, processes and the right tools to make your Application Lifecycle faster and more predictable.
DevOps Essentials explores the change in mentality and process from traditional approaches, much more if the organization is not yet adopting agile principles.
The organization must adopt a collaborative approach that brings together all those involved in joint delivery, not just development and operations. This certification provides an overview of the basic concepts of DevOps.
This certification provides an overview of the basic concepts of DevOps.
Learning objectives
- DevOps Overview
- History of DevOps
- The purpose of DevOps
- DevOps Introduction
- Definitions of DevOps
- What is DevOps
- What DevOps is not
- DevOps Benefits
- Software development
- Life cycle Agile software development
- Continuous integration
- Delivery
- Monitoring
- DevOps Principles
- Acronym CAMS
- Culture
- Automation
- Measurement
- Sharing roles and responsibilities in DevOps
- Product manager
- Business Operations Developers
- Organizational challenges
- Configuration management
- Continuous delivery Continuous integration
- DevOps and Agile
- DevOps and Scrum
- DevOps and ITSM (ITIL)
- DevOps Culture
- Incremental DevOps Adoption
- DevOps Tools (overview)
- Git
- Cloud Platforms
- Docker
- Js
- Chef
- Jenkins
- Puppet
- Resources
- Check list
- Self appraisal
- Current report analysis
Service Desk Leader Professional Certificate (SDLPC)
Service Desk is a leading IT service within the discipline of IT Service Management (ITSM), as defined in the Information Technology Infrastructure Library (ITIL). Its objective is to provide a single point of contact ("SPOC") to meet the communication needs of users and IT personnel. But also to meet the objectives of the client and the IT provider. "User" refers to the actual user of the service, while "Customer" refers to the entity that is paying for the service.
Based on international standards, the Professional Service Desk Leader Certification is designed for aspiring and existing service desk leaders and supervisors who wish to develop their understanding of the best service desk management practices and how execute effective support operations.
This certification verifies that the candidate has the knowledge of the practices and skills needed to lead, motivate and successfully manage the technical support teams to offer excellent customer service while strategically aligning with the needs of the business.
Learning objectives
- Help Desk / Service Desk Role
- Management of business relations
- Effective communication skills and competences.
- Problem resolution
- Effective skills and conflict management skills
- Effective management of processes.
- Quality assurance activities.
- Tools and technologies
- Culture - DevOps
- Agile mind
- Administrative knowledge
- Adoption process
- CSF, KPIs and OKRs
- Staff Administration
- Hiring of personnel, retention and development.
- Motivation, Rewards
- Leadership / Coaching / Mentoring
ISO / IEC 20000 certified auditor
ISO / IEC 20000-1: 2011 is a standard of service management system (SMS). Specifies the requirements for the service provider to plan, establish, implement, operate, monitor, review, maintain and improve an SMS. The requirements include the design, transition, delivery and improvement of services to meet the agreed service requirements.
This 32-hour training course provides you with the knowledge necessary to perform effective ITSMS audits.
The course work includes lectures, debates, role plays, individual and group exercises so you can begin to understand the ISO 20000 auditor standard.
Learning objectives
- General description of ISO / IEC 20000.
- The schemes available for certification and qualification.
- Understand: The principles of IT service management.
- The requirements of an effective ISO 20000 audit.
- The requirements of previous audits, formal certification and surveillance audits.
ISO 22301 certified Auditor
This certification deals with business continuity and the requirements of the ISO 22301 standard, the most popular standard in the world that addresses the issue of business continuity.
The scheme follows the structure of the ISO 22301 standard that covers the following requirements:
- Context of the organization: internal and external problems that affect the organization, the needs and expectations of the stakeholders and the scope of the business continuity management system.
- Leadership: commitment of senior management for business continuity, business continuity policy, roles, responsibilities and authorities
- Planning - Actions to address risks and opportunities and business continuity objectives.
- Support - Resources, competence and awareness, communication and documented information.
- Operation: business impact analysis, risk assessment, business continuity strategy, business continuity plans, incident response structure, exercise and tests
- Evaluation and improvement of performance: monitoring and measurement, internal audit, management review, non-compliance and corrective action.
The information is valuable for any professional involved in activities related to business continuity and disaster recov
Learning objectives
- Principles, concepts and requirements of the ISO 22301: 2012 standard.
- How to develop a BCMS.
- Develop skills and abilities to perform audits.
- ISO 22301: 2012.
ISO / IEC 27001 certified Auditor
ISO 27001 is an international standard published by the International Organization for Standardization (ISO) and describes how to manage information security in a company. The latest revision of this standard was published in 2013, and its full title is now ISO / IEC 27001: 2013. The first revision of the standard was published in 2005 and was developed based on the British standard BS 7799-2.
ISO 27001 can be implemented in any type of organization, with or without profit, private or state, small or large. It was written by the world's leading experts in the field of information security and provides a methodology for the implementation of information security management in an organization. It also allows companies to become certified, which means that an independent certification body has confirmed that an organization has implemented information security in accordance with ISO 27001.
Learning objectives
- Principles, concepts and requirements of ISO / IEC 27001: 2013.
- How to develop an ISMS.
- Develop skills and abilities to perform audits.
- ISO 27001: 2013 Annex A.
Profesional Scrum Foundation (SFPC)
The Scrum Foundation exam is part of the Scrum CertiProf® professional qualification program and has been developed in cooperation with international experts in this field. After completing this certification, we recommend that you continue your professional Scrum education with the Scrum Master Professional Certificate (SMPC), followed by the Product Owner Certificate (SPOPC) and Professional Developer Certificate (SDPC).
This will allow you to cover all the knowledge of the Scrum framework, key definitions and roles. After this, you will be ready to embark on a journey towards the Scrum Advanced Professional (SAPC) certificate.
Learning objectives
- Introduction to Agile and Scrum
- Scrum practices
- Scrum planning
- Monitoring of Scrum projects
- Scrum basics
Profesional Scrum Developer (SDPC)
CertiProf® offers the Scrum Developer Professional Certificate (SDPC) program to validate your knowledge about Scrum. Our exam is a multiple choice online test and you can take it from your own PC from anywhere in the world.
After completing the Scrum Developer Professional Certificate exam, you can expect to gain an overview and understanding of how to deliver a potentially releasable "Fact" product at the end of each Sprint; We recommend that you continue your Scrum professional training with the Product Owner Certificate (SPOPC) or the Professional Scrum Master Certificate (SMPC).
This will allow you to cover all the knowledge of the Scrum framework, key definitions and roles. After this, you will be ready to embark on a journey towards the Scrum Advanced Professional (SAPC) certificate.
Learning objectives
- Agile PM
- Traditional PM project
- Management approaches
- Kanban
- Manifest
- Scrum roles
- Scrum artifacts
- Sprint planning
- Launch planning
- Managing large or distributed
- Scrum Teams
- Launch planning
- Hybrid projects - bi-modal IT
- Requirements management
- Product vision
- Epic decomposition
- Introduction to user stories
- Defining fact
- Criteria of acceptance
- Product portfolio management
- Prioritization and Techniques
- Advanced planning and metrics
- Speed
Profesional Scrum Master (SMPC)
CertiProf® offers the Scrum Master Professional Certificate (SMPC) program to validate your knowledge of Scrum. Our exam is a multiple choice online test and you can take it from your own PC from anywhere in the world.
After completing the Scrum Master Professional Certificate exam, you can expect to gain an overview and understanding of Scrum theory, practices and rules.
We recommend that you continue your professional training in Scrum with the Product Owner Certificate (SPOPC), followed by the Professional Developer Certificate (SDPC).
This will allow you to cover all the knowledge of the Scrum framework, key definitions and roles. After this, you will be ready to embark on a journey towards the Scrum Advanced Professional (SAPC) certificate.
Learning objectives
- Introduction to Agile and Scrum
- Scrum practices
- Scrum planning
- Scrum events
- Monitoring of Scrum projects
- Scrum advanced concepts
- Scrum Master Scroll
Scrum Product Owner Professional Certificate (SPOPC)
CertiProf® offers the Scrum Product Owner Professional Certificate to validate your knowledge of Scrum. Our exam is a multiple choice online test and you can take it from your own PC from anywhere in the world.
After completing the Product Owner Professional exam, you can expect to gain an overview and understanding of how to maximize the value of the product and the work of the Development Team. We recommend that you continue your Scrum professional training with the Scrum Master Professional Certificate (SMPC) or the Scrum Developer Professional Certificate (SDPC).
This will allow you to cover all the knowledge of the Scrum framework, key definitions and roles. After this, you will be ready to embark on a journey towards the Scrum Advanced Professional (SAPC) certificate.
Learning objectives
- Introduction to Agile and Scrum
- Scrum practices
- Scrum planning
- Scrum events
- Monitoring of the Scrum project
- Scrum advanced concepts
- Role of the product owner
Digital Marketing Professional (DMPC)
The Digital Marketing Professional Certification Program (DMPC) provides a detailed understanding of the concepts, strategies and implementation of Digital Marketing, including e-mail and Search Engine Optimization (SEO) campaigns, Pay-Per-Click campaigns ( PPC), social marketing, the reorientation and integration of digital marketing with traditional. marketing.
Expand your skill set and grow your career. Here are some benefits of our certification:
- This certification will help you improve your marketing skills and knowledge by helping you gain more visibility in the digital world.
- Learn how to use the content to connect with your customers.
- Track customers from the first interaction with your brand.
- Optimize your website for conversion.
- Understand key digital concepts and KIPs.
- If you are new to the field, it can help you start a new career.
Objetivos de aprendizaje
Visión general del marketing digital
Conceptos clave
Generación líder
Marketing de búsqueda
Publicidad Digital Display
Experiencia de usuario y usabilidad
Correo de propaganda
Marketing de medios sociales
Seguimiento y medición